For all the years Todd and I have been out in the "real world" working, we have never once been on the same schedule. Not once. We were pretty close a few years back but, even then, Todd had to leave so early in the mornings for work I was still in bed dreaming (and more than likely snor…
It's so hard to believe the most wonderful time of the year is just right around the corner. We are exactly four weeks away from Christmas Eve friends! While I normally wait until the first day of December to allow myself to get into full Christmas mode, I'm hoping that by then I'll at…
It all started a few months ago on a lonely and boring night. The addiction that is. I was at work, passing away time on the internet (and the award for the best employee goes to...), when I stumbled across a post talking about how Netflix was bringing back the show Gilmore Girls, calling it th…
Fun fact about me: I don't like wearing makeup on the weekends if I don't have to. I love going au-natural whenever I can - it makes me feel like my skin is detoxing! So normally if I don't have anything planned, besides running some errands, I always take that opportunity to go make-u…
No matter where you in the live in the world, I think we can all agree this week was an interesting one, to say the least. Very, very interesting. Even after a few days of processing everything, that's still the only word I can come up with right now. So let's move on, shall we? Since i…